Healthy Halloween Treats To Hand Out


Parents have mixed feelings about Halloween. It’s heartwarming to see the happy faces after they get treats from strangers, but that’s where the dilemma of every parent starts.

Candy is good as an occasional treat, which is exactly what Halloween is all about. The problem is the amount of candy the kids bring home after a night of trick or treating around town.

Too much candy can only mean a toothache or a tummy ache. With the rising popularity of healthy living, you can now change the way you celebrate Halloween. Instead of giving the traditional candy and treats expected during this yearly tradition, you can now make your own healthy halloween treats to hand out that other parents will appreciate, but more importantly, treats the kids will love and actually eat.

We already published an article about healthy Halloween recipes. Check out the article, “Healthy Halloween Treats.” You’ll find out how to make Halloween sandwiches, banana ghosts, Clementine jack o’ lanterns, apple mouths, scary eyes, and spider eggs. If you have kids yourself, this is the perfect opportunity to teach them that they can still have fun without the usual junk food and sweets. Also, making these healthy Halloween treats is a great bonding experience for the entire family, something you will always look forward to in the years to come.

If you’ve had your fill of the store-bought treats, it’s time to make something of your own, albeit with a healthy twist. Try these two recipes to add to your list of new and healthy halloween treats to hand out. They’re easy to make and take hardly any time.

  1. Used “Bandage Treat” recipe
  2. Used “Cotton Swabs” Treat recipe

“Used Bandage” Healthy Halloween Treats To Hand Out

Used Bandage Treat


  • Graham crackers
  • White frosting
  • Red decorating gel


  • Cut the graham crackers into the size of bandage strips.
  • Put white frosting on the center of the graham cracker.
  • Squeeze some red decorating gel on top of the white frosting to make it look like blood.
  • Serve in a plate together with a box of real bandages.

“Cotton Swabs” Healthy Halloween Treats To Handout

Used Cotton Swabs Treat


  • Lollipop sticks
  • Mini white marshmallows
  • Peanut butter


  • Cut the lollipop sticks to approximately the size of a Q-tip.
  • Put one marshmallow on both ends of the lollipop stick.
  • Dip the marshmallow in peanut butter to make it look like earwax on a Q-tip.
  • Serve in a plate together with a box of real Q-tips.

These two recipes are fairly easy and don’t require many ingredients. They aren’t as healthy but compared to most candy and treats, your kids are better off eating them. Add these recipes to your now growing list of alternative healthy Halloween treats and have fun making them with your kids this coming Halloween.

Trick or treaters who knock on your door won’t mind getting these unique treats from you either.

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