Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar: A Drink a Day Really Keeps the Doctor Away!


There is a new revolution happening everywhere, a health revolution in which people are discovering and enjoying the many health benefits offered by natural products that are found in the kitchen. Among these products is apple cider vinegar.

In reality, apple cider vinegar has been in use for many years. Even though many of us are just realizing how amazing it is in many ways, people from ancient times used it in their day-to-day diet and as a remedy for different ailments.

What are you waiting for? Do not miss the chance to incorporate apple cider vinegar into your daily life and find out how it can benefit you too.

What is Apple Cider Vinegar?

(1) Apple cider vinegar has many names such as cider vinegar and ACV for short. ACV is a type of vinegar made from apple must or cider with a pale to medium amber shade. Its acidity may be somewhat harsh, and can even burn the throat. (2) It’s among the well-known products that involves the fermentation process.

The most powerful form of ACV is the one containing the “mother” which looks like a cobweb and makes the vinegar appear somewhat concealed. You can only find the mother among organic or unpasteurized ACVs.


Apple cider vinegar has many uses, especially in the kitchen where it is a common ingredient. You can use ACV in marinades, salad dressings, vinaigrettes, chutney, food preservatives, and more.

ACV is made by squeezing the liquid out of crushed apples. Then, begin the fermentation process by adding yeast and bacteria to the liquid, turning the sugars into alcohol. Vinegar develops during the second fermentation after the acetic acid-forming bacteria (acetobacter) turns the alcohol into ACV. Vinegar gets its sour taste from both malic acid and acetic acid present in the mixture.

This fermented juice from crushed apples is rich not only in acetic acid but also in Vitamin B, C, and many other nutrients.

What’s the “Mother” in Apple Cider Vinegar?

Organic and unpasteurized ACVs are considered to be the most potent of all ACVs because the Mother is still intact. When all the useful living enzymes remain in ACV, this is how you end up with an intact Mother giving the solution a cloudy appearance.

Most commercial ACV brands that make the mistake of making their vinegar look clear and attractive and end up killing ACVs mother by boiling and pasteurizing it. They end up with a useless apple cider vinegar that is devoid of all nutritional values ACV is famous for. Others gave it the term “dead vinegar” which is accurate.

The History of Apple Cider Vinegar

the-apple-gatherers-painting by frederick-morgan

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Before apple cider vinegar, there was and still is plain vinegar. After all, vinegar is truly a gift from nature to humanity. History accounts how vinegar came to be, became a household ingredient, and the many variations discovered over the years. It is an authentic natural product used in cooking and for treating minor ailments to more serious health conditions.

Any beverage with alcohol in it, regardless if it is juice from apples, grapes, rice, dates, or plain white sugar, they all turn into vinegar as soon as they are exposed to the air. The bacteria present in the air turns the alcohol into wine, cider, and beer into acetic acid which gives vinegar its distinct sharp sour taste. Hence, it is possible that man has been using vinegar even before the use of it was even recorded in written history.

Vinegar started appearing in recorded history dating back to 5000 B.C. when the Babylonians made wine and vinegar from fruits like the date palm. They did many things with it. They ate it and used as a pickling or preserving agent. Ancient Egyptian urns dated around 3000 B.C. were found to have vinegar residue in them. Meanwhile, the Chinese recorded the vinegar history is evident from texts written around 1200 B.C. when they made rice vinegar. In 1000 B.C., the Ancient Romans made different kinds of vinegar from dates, wine, figs and some other fruits and put it in bowls where they could easily dunk their bread.

Even biblical texts reveal that people back then used vinegar as a food enhancer, a tonic, and a remedy in both the Old and the New Testaments. For instance, there is a passage stating that Boaz invited Ruth to have some bread dipped in vinegar after a hard day at work in the barley fields (Ruth 2:14).

(3) During 400 B.C. in ancient Greece, Hippocrates, who is known as the Father of Modern Medicine, used a vinegar and honey mixture for treating various infections and other acute conditions.

Much later, around 218 B.C., The Carthaginian General Hannibal used vinegar on-board elephants while crossing the Alps to conquer Italy. They crumbled hot boulders by pouring vinegar on them so that his troops could all get through.


Military Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Throughout history, soldiers had many uses for vinegar. They made energizing and strengthening tonics the soldiers would drink as they prepared for war. The Roman’s referred to it as “posca”. In ancient Japan, the Japanese samurais believed they could boost their strength by drinking rice vinegar every day. They also diluted vinegar in their drinking water to kill any bacteria found in it.

Vinegar’s antiseptic nature is useful to clean and disinfect the soldiers’ wounds and facilitate wound healing. From the time of the American Civil War to the World War I, the demand for apple cider vinegar increased even more.

There are many historical accounts of the benefits of vinegar over the years. The French used it to cool the canons of King Louis XIII (1601-1643) during one of his battles. By doing so, vinegar not only cooled the cannon, but cleaned its metal surface prevented rust formation. They called it “vin aigre” meaning sour wine. Discovering was accidental when grape juice was left unattended and it turned into wine, and then consequently, into vinegar.

In the Middle Ages, vinegar was used for cleaning and polishing mail armors together with sand. European alchemists poured vinegar over lead to create the sweet “sugar lead” used to smooth and sweeten harsh cider. However, many deaths followed because of lead acetate toxicity.

More historical data indicated Cleopatra even won a wager against Mark Anthony using vinegar. There’s also a story about four thieves who survived the bubonic plague by simply drinking large amounts of vinegar with garlic infused in it every day.

Indeed, it is evident how vinegar has been widely used since ancient times until now, when people can now enjoy apple cider vinegar straight from the bottle. What makes apple cider vinegar so special? How does it cure illnesses? Let us find out.

Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar


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If you search the internet, you will find numerous sites that list the benefits of apple cider vinegar for one’s health. The lists are often long, and there are plenty to choose from. Find out how ACV improves health, cures ailments, and turns the body’s pH levels more alkaline.

  • Antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties – from the malic and acetic acid present in ACV
    For thousands of years, vinegar has been used to clean and treat wounds. (4) Like any other types of vinegar, apple cider vinegar has antimicrobial properties according to the Journal of Food Science. Modern research has also revealed that vinegar is effective in killing certain types of bacteria like S. Aureus and E. Coli.
  • Remedy for some skin allergies and insect bites – by reducing the level of toxicity of some substances by converting toxins to its lower toxic forms, such as acetate compound
  • Rejuvenate a tired-looking face – by using ACV as a facial toner
  • Remedy for Upset stomach – because of its antibiotic properties
    The pectin present in ACV soothes the stomach. For example, try a combination of ACV and ginger “Digestion Mocktail”.
    Drinking organic and unfiltered ACV mixed with water 15 minutes before eating can stimulate digestive juices that facilitate food breakdown. It contains the ACV’s mother which is rich in proteins, pectin, and other enzymes that improve digestion.
  • Enjoy a detoxifying bath – Use Epsom salts and any essential oil like lavender together with ½ cup to a full cup of ACV to relax and detoxify you in your bath.
    Moreover, ACV also helps detoxify the liver by drinking a glass of water mixed with a tablespoon of ACV each day.
  • Get rid of hiccupsSay goodbye to hiccups by drinking a teaspoon of ACV. Its sour taste is sure to stop hiccups.
  • Clear stuffy nose – Drink a glass of water mixed with a teaspoon of ACV.
  • Treat Halitosis – Don’t let your bad breath stop you from having a meaningful relationship by gargling with a cup of water mixed with ½ tablespoon of ACV. Gargle for ten seconds at a time.
  • Soothe a sore throat – Gargle every hour with ¼ cup of warm water mixed with ¼ cup ACV.
  • Remedy for exercise exhaustion – Feeling tired after working out is common, especially if you have lactic buildup in your body. Beat exercise fatigue by drinking amino acid-rich ACV. Drink a glass of water mixed with a tablespoon of ACV after an intense workout.
  • Remedy for yeast Infection – Soak in a tub full of water mixed with 1 ½ cup of ACV.
  • Enjoy shiny and tangle-free hair without any dandruff – mixed 1/3 cup of ACV with 4 cups of water to be applied to the hair after shampooing. Let it sit for several seconds before rinsing with cold water.
  • Teeth whitening – Gargle with ACV each morning. ACV removes teeth stains and kills bacteria present in the gums and mouth.
    Aside from its teeth whitening effect, a test revealed that ACV minimized bacteria count on extracted teeth exposed to the E.faecalis bacteria after a root canal.
  • Soothe sunburn – Massage the affected body part with ACV.
  • Get rid of acne – Apply a mixture of one part ACV to three to four parts water soaked in a cotton pad and apply it to the affected skin. Wait ten minutes. Do it thrice a day.
  • Remove warts – Soak a cotton pad with ACV and put it on the wart. Use a bandage to secure it. Leave it overnight. Keep doing this for a week.
  • Remedy for Heartburn and acid reflux – You will suffer from acid reflux when your stomach has low acid levels. To boost your stomach’s acid content, drink a glass of water mixed with a tablespoon of unfiltered and organic ACV. Doing so addresses low stomach acid conditions that result in heartburn.

Pectin soothes the GI tract preventing gas, bloating, and stomach cramps.
For those who constantly suffer from constipation, ACV has a mild laxative-like effect that stimulates peristalsis.

  • Maintain healthy cholesterol levels and promote good heart health – In addition, studies have shown that ACV can also protect you from arterial damage and/or oxidation, which is the primary risk factor for having high cholesterol levels. ACV has chlorogenic acid that lowers the bad cholesterol level, so it does not accumulate and crystallize in the bloodstream.

Normal cholesterol levels can prevent more serious heart conditions. Once cholesterol ends up clogging the arteries, it will likely lead to a heart attack.

ACV also lowers the blood pressure by increasing nitric oxide production to help relax the blood vessels.
A study published in the Journal of Food Science reported that high levels of chlorogenic acid, a type of polyphenol, prevented the oxidation of LDLs, ultimately preventing most cardiovascular ailments.

(5) Another study published by the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry conducted a study on a group of rats to check whether this superfood can reduce cholesterol levels. The result of the study showed that the use of ACV reduced triglyceride and LDL levels regardless of its production method. (6) A similar research study that was conducted by the Life Science Journal revealed that ACV consumption for eight weeks reduced harmful blood lipids and is an excellent treatment for hyperlipidemia.


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  • Help with healthy weight loss – The acetic acid in ACV assists in suppressing your appetite, boost your metabolism, and minimize water retention. Losing a few pounds here and there can help you achieve your weight loss goals.
    A Japanese study revealed that the acetic acid in ACV can inhibit body fat accumulation by 10% based on a test done on mice.
  • Maintain healthy blood sugar levels – Studies revealed that ACV is a potent anti-glycemic that helps maintain normal blood sugar levels, especially after eating a meal. It stops the digestion of starch, thus preventing spikes in your blood sugar as well as increasing satiety levels. Also, it slows down carbohydrate absorption, so to end dreaded sugar highs and lows.

Studies conducted at the University of Arizona discovered that drinking ACV reduced blood glucose level by 35%.
Another study found that ACV improves blood sugar among type-2 Diabetics, and lowers blood glucose amongst pre-diabetics. (7) There’s a study done by the Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences on ACV revealing that it improved the serum lipid profile in diabetic and normal rats and can even help manage diabetic complications.

  • Antioxidant properties – ACV contains catechin, caffeic, gallic acid, and chlorogenic acids which are all antioxidants that promote healthy bodily functions.
  • Boost nutrient absorption – ACV has acetic acid that enhances the absorption of essential minerals from food. Nutrient absorption improves if you consume the raw and unfiltered type of ACV containing the mother.
  • Anti-cancer properties – Cancer is prevalent nowadays. It poses a constant threat to people of all walks of life. But there are studies that prove ACV is capable of shrinking and killing certain cancer cells. Again, the acetic acid in ACV possesses anti-tumor properties, as well as polyphenols, which are both an antioxidants and anticancer agents too.
  • Prevent Candida and maintain normal intestinal bacteria – The essential acids in ACV, like malic acid and acetic acid, are good for the normal GI flora. If you love sweets, drinking ACV can control Candida growth and stop spreading to the intestines.
  • Boost the immune system – ACV promotes a person’s overall immunity. Since it is rich in malic acid and malic acid is a potent antiviral, drinking ACV in water minimizes the occurrence of colds.

Unprocessed and unfiltered ACV also does wonders for the lymphatic system. It cleanses the lymph nodes and breaks up mucus buildup, leading to less sinus congestion, fewer colds, and can prevent allergies.

  • Prevent legs cramps and manage restless leg syndrome – Drinking ACV can boost potassium levels, prevent leg cramps due to low potassium, and consequently, restless leg syndrome.

Other Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

cider brewing

Photo by MattHurst

Primarily, ACV is known for its health benefits, but it is also common knowledge that ACV is good for many other things. Learn how you can use and benefit from ACV in your day-to-day life.

Home Cleaning Agent

  • Natural and non-toxic cleaning agent – It is among the best cleaning agents ever due to its antimicrobial properties. The acetic acid in ACV kills bacteria as it passes through the cell membranes. Other organic acids present in ACV that act as antimicrobials in addition to acetic acid are ascorbic acid, lactic acid, malic acid, citric acid, succinic acid, propionic acid, and tartaric acid. A study proved that it can even kill E.coli, and when used combined with lemon juice, it can kill salmonella.
  • Weed killer – ACV is an excellent way to kill weeds. Here is the famous vinegar-based Herbicide formula by Howard Garrett, the renowned Dirt Doctor.
    • A gallon of 10% vinegar (100 grain)
    • Add an ounce of d-limonene or orange oil
    • Add a tablespoon of molasses (this is optional)
    • Add a teaspoon of a surfactant like liquid soap (e.g. Bio Wash)
    • Don’t add water
  • Fruit and vegetable wash – Washing your fresh produce with vinegar will remove traces of pesticide and bacteria. Make a solution comprised of nine parts water and one part vinegar and briefly soak your fruits and veggies in this solution. However, don’t use vinegar for cleaning delicate fruits like berries.
  • Neutralizes odor – Put some apple cider vinegar in a bowl to neutralize home odors.
  • Pet flea repellant – Spray and rub equal parts water and ACV on your pet’s fur daily for a week to get rid of fleas.

Beauty and Hygiene

  • Deodorant – Benefit from a natural deodorant by applying ACV in your underarms.
  • Facial toner – Prevent skin breakouts by dipping a cotton ball in ACV and use as a facial toner.
  • Hair rinse – ACV helps balance the pH level of your scalp and get rid of hair product buildup. If you have dandruff problems, mix equal parts water and vinegar and spray the mix on your scalp, wrap your head with a towel and let it sit for one hour before rinsing it. Do this twice each week.
  • Foot odor – Get rid of odor-causing bacteria on your feet by applying ACV.
  • All-natural massage treatment – Rubbing ACV on your body can relieve exhaustion and allow you enjoy massage-like benefits.



Photo by serenejournal

You can use ACV in numerous ways when in the kitchen. You can use it in recipes, sauces, soups, marinades, and even smoothies. It is also handy for baking for an extra lift or when making pickled vegetables to complement various dishes.

  • Salad dressings – It can add life to your salads and improve the taste. Mix it with olive oil, sugar, herbs, and spices.
  • Sauces/chutneys – ACV can enhance flavor and is useful in softening fruit when cooking it.
  • Marinade – Meat will become tender and the bacteria killed when marinated with ACV. Mix ¾ cup of ACV, herbs, and spices to use as your marinade.
  • Food preservative – Because it is also a preservative in itself, adding it to food will helps maintain the taste longer.
  • Substitute – You can use ACV instead of lemon juice to get a tangy flavor in your dishes. You can also use it as a substitute for buttermilk by adding one tablespoon of ACV to a cup of evaporated milk. Let it sit for ten minutes until it thickens.
  • Desserts – Decrease the sweetness of any recipe by adding a teaspoon of ACV.
  • Eggs – Add one to two teaspoons of ACV while boiling eggs to stop the white from leaking.
  • Fish – Rub ACV on the whole fish to make scaling it easier and prevent your hands from smelling fishy. When cooking dried or boiled fish, add one tablespoon of ACV to tenderize the flesh and bring out its flavor.

How to Make Apple Cider Vinegar

Peeling apples for applesauce

Photo by jpopesku1

First Method

You will need a big bowl or jar, organic apple scraps (peels and cores), and cheesecloth.

  1. Expose the apple scraps to the air.
  2. Wait until it turns brown.
  3. Put them in the bowl or jar.
  4. Pour water over them.
  5. Keep adding scraps for several more days.
  6. Cover it with cheesecloth.
  7. Store it in a warm and dark place.
  8. Leave the jar to ferment. Watch for it to thicken and start forming a grayish scum on top.
  9. Taste-test after a month.
  10. Strain and put the vinegar in a bottle.

Second Method

You will need at least ten organic apples, a glass or bowl and a bigger one for later, and cheesecloth.

  1. Cut the washed apple into quarters.
  2. Peel and core them (optional).
  3. Air the apples until they turn brown.
  4. Transfer them to a smaller bowl and pour some water over them.
  5. Cover in cheesecloth.
  6. Leave them in a warm and dark place for at least six months.
  7. You’ll start seeing the grayish scum in the sixth month.
  8. Strain and transfer to a big bowl.
  9. Cover with cheesecloth.
  10. Let it sit for another four to six weeks.
  11. Your own homemade apple cider vinegar is ready.

Apple Cider Vinegar Drink Recipes

Apple Cider Vinegar

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ACV Cocktail

    • one to two teaspoon organic ACV
    • 8 oz. water
    • One to two teaspoons organic honey (optional)
    • Blackstrap molasses or four drops Stevia sweetener

Hot or Cold Cider Drink

    • Add four cloves and two to three Cinnamon sticks to water and bring to a boil.
    • Steep for 20 more minutes.
    • Add raw honey and ACV to taste.

ACV Juice Cocktail

Use organic vegetables as much as possible. It can be any of the following: beets, cabbage, carrots, celery, parsley, tomatoes, watercress, etc. mixed with apple cider vinegar.

Suggested Daily Dose of ACV

There is no suggested dose of apple cider vinegar daily. Drink one teaspoon to a tablespoon of ACV with a glass of water thrice daily. Bear in mind that the amount and form of ACV you take each day will depend on what you use it for.

Daily Dose of Apple Cider Vinegar

 Age Group  Suggested Dose
Six to ten years old ⅕ teaspoon (1 ml or 20 drops)
Ten to 15 years old ½ teaspoon (2.5 ml.)
15 to 20 years old ½ to one teaspoon
20 or above (male) One to four teaspoons
20 or above (female) One to two teaspoons
60 or older Less than two teaspoon

Apple Cider Vinegar Special Precautions and Contraindications

Note the following special precautions on the use and intake and apple cider vinegar:

  • Pregnant and lactating women
  • Those with weak bones or osteoporosis
  • Those with osteoarthritis
  • Those with low bone mineral density
  • Those with kidney disease
  • Those with sore or painful throat/Pharyngitis

Apple Cider Vinegar Side Effects

Recognized for its long list of beneficial effects, there are still some side effects you need to be aware of:

  • Low potassium levels/hypokalemia
  • Throat irritation, sore throat, and tissue disruption
  • Tooth enamel erosion and staining
  • Low blood glucose levels/hypoglycemia
  • GI problems like nausea, heartburn, diarrhea, and indigestion
  • Acne and skin itching and redness
  • Decreased bone density
  • Migraines and headaches

Apple Cider Vinegar and Drug Interactions

  • Cardiac Glycosides like Digoxin (Lanoxin)
  • Insulin drugs
  • Diuretics like furosemide (Lasix)
  • Laxatives


Without a doubt, apple cider vinegar is a potent home remedy that has been used for thousands of years and still used today. You do not have to spend a lot of money or take various supplements to improve your health. Sometimes, what you need is right in front of you without knowing it, like apple cider vinegar that is found in many homes..

Start using apple cider vinegar more and more each day by following some of the tips mentioned above and find out just how effective it is. You’ll start doing things differently after experiencing the benefits of apple cider vinegar in your own life.

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